The Eternal Beauty of Junk

Archangel rummaged through a pile of garbage and found Beauty. Hhwwoooww!!!

The powerful will advocate the protection of the techno tree, the tree of the future.

Technology TreeThe powerful will water the techno tree, talk to it, play music to it, cry to it, laugh to it, smile, whistle, sing to it, massage it, hug it and looove it very much until it grows and becomes more tree like, below. Then their children can play below and around it.Tech Green

In my mind’s eye, I can see Pres. Barack Obama’s dog playing gleefully among the techno trees!!! 🙂

Noynoy-Mar’s Greyt Mongoloyd Armys of 1s

The Scary Sneaky Devil’s Attack!

All I can say is tsk, tsk! Oh Goood, Oh Gooood, I’m sorry for being a mapanirang puri. Ahuahuahuhuhuhu!!!!

I thought these people are religious? And righteous? Note in the below  comments the handles used are: concerned and conscience. How quaint, Virginia! I thought they had a website of their own? They still have the itch to blemish the website of the poor insane people of this universe? How really stupid can ngoynnoy and manamar’s Greyt Mongoloyd Armys of 1s could be! …Why do they mind bloggers if they are partisan…?

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