Noynoy-Mar’s Greyt Mongoloyd Armys of 1s

The Scary Sneaky Devil’s Attack!

All I can say is tsk, tsk! Oh Goood, Oh Gooood, I’m sorry for being a mapanirang puri. Ahuahuahuhuhuhu!!!!

I thought these people are religious? And righteous? Note in the below  comments the handles used are: concerned and conscience. How quaint, Virginia! I thought they had a website of their own? They still have the itch to blemish the website of the poor insane people of this universe? How really stupid can ngoynnoy and manamar’s Greyt Mongoloyd Armys of 1s could be! …Why do they mind bloggers if they are partisan…?

Click here for more…

To stop or not to stop

At another time, another place I would stop blogging.

Some of the best bloggers I know have stopped blogging. I am not really sure why. But it does puzzle me no end. Why drop out of something that is wonderful? Something that is fulfilling, if to some extent also revealingly embarrassing?

One would say, welcome to the world of transparency. I used to dream about 20 or more years ago about a fashion line made up of transparent bags, blouses, pants, even undergarments. That’s how overly visual, perchance, voyeuristique? one can get. Suddenly there it all was, a line of transparent garments. Not perfect, as such, but positively to the tune of my real preferences and even favorites. Hmmm…

Then comes blogging: where bloggers, figuratively, suddenly shed everything they are wearing and become transparent. That no one is spared from wearing her or his birthday suit is a fact.

One of my colleagues in trans communications said that even the mental lisps of idiots are bared in full view of the world public in a blog. The brain damage and other defects of fools are wholly unmasked. The psychic dysfunction of those without any redeeming morals and values are unraveled.

Even criminals are suddenly discovered for what they really are. Its a totally depictive and picturesque medium, this web logging.

It will be the very nerve of the coming revolution.

But what really concerns me is that hopefully any revolution in the future must first be able to eliminate the irredeemable fools and nincompoops and notorious ogres in our midst. And I don’t particularly like to give reference only to the ones who don’t know how to spell, don’t understand math, or simply count whole numbers. 🙂

For after all, that has never, ever been, nor will ever be, my advocacy.