If RP will have a real coup d’ etat and suplicio, better vessels…

Bereavement and Redemption





The sulpicio lines tragedy hits close to the heart  and I haven’t really been done with grief.  But then too, I have to do anger management.  The bad reaction of government, letting the sulpicio operate once again dahil bad for the economy daw, is in poor taste.


What will happen if RP will have better ships, specially sulpicio?


The tragedy should never have had happened at all.  But that is preposterous.  Pure wishful thinking.  It will take an honest-to-goodness coup d’ etat by good-hearted people and real leaders to change the way things are, unless our present leaders wake up to reality and start not walking backwards but a little forward even if an inch or a millimeter at a time.


So much is in store for the country, but of course only a mere few know that.  And I cannot even tell you anything of it.  At least not on this blog.  But go to the US and Canada and you might get wind of it.  Ask your friends back in the States.  They know.  It’s just the poor Juan de la Mahinahon who is absolutely clueless of his very, very, very good fortune to come!


That’s why, compared  to New York (with the exception of a big chunk of states like Virginia — let me take this occasion to say Hi!!!  to all the beautiful neighbors in John Denver country hehehe), this country the Philippines is much more preferable and loaded with hope!!!   Certainly you can’t take a little optimism away from a fucking insatiable satirist and cynic like this writer.  Aba, pagbigyan mo na.  Paminsan-minsan.  Naman.  Namaaaan!!!


Very poor taste.  That  instant  allowing  of  suspicious lines to operate.  Of course the rest of the shipping industry’s facilities are inferior.  But where in the shipping industry and Philippine aviation is there no inferiority?  Where ?  pray tell…  hmmm?    that … hmmmm?


Gen. Teroy Isleta, one of the grand old men of aviation, says that Only In The Philippines can we see air planes (and presumably ships) that are bought as junk and made to fly (or sail) again.  Inay ku pu!!!  Hesusmaryosep!!!


These junks are bought at cheap cost, delivered to RP as chop-chop (remember the chop-chop cars?) and welded together to form a Voila!!!  Brand new (recon) vessel!!!


Hep, heeeeep!!!!  Hurrrraaaaay!!!!!!


Score one for the Marvel Comics scAvengers!!!!




Ain’t anybody going to change that?  The Man with the Big Kapre Cigar, Wespowent Graduate, Engineer by degree (not by profession), could not change that.  How much more our dear Madam President, who Big Kapre Cigar Man says, is only a teacher!!!  Pray tell me, who are you voting for our next president?


Don’t tell me that it will be Barack Obama!!!  And his local boy!!! He (Barack) seems like a decrepit and seriously incapacitated idiot to become a world leader.  A vote for his accomplice in these parts will be our damnation!!!


We’ll continue to live in a fogged existence with all the chop-chop shit in our midst, corruption, mendicancy, inferiority, enslavement to the so-called much vaunted Bilderberg shits, and so on and so forth.


The sad part about it is Barack, and presto!  his local anointed prexy candidate might win!


Shit!  And double fuck!!!


But that really is bad for the victims of our latest controversial sea tragedy.  It means that there will be more victims come final showdown times.  And we’re not even talking of the end of the world.


And imagine, it can really only happen here.  Look at the people living in Corinthian Gardens.  They’re sitting on a big pile of soil, rocks, sweetly rolling landscaped sites, mansion / palatial sized houses, that are on top of a huge earthquake fault.


At least, when the big earthquake comes, along with a tsunami, then liquefaction to a superlative degree, all the filthy rich –  particularly those with a bad attitude to us their poorer brethren — will be taken by the lord who is allegedly in heaven.


Good riddance you fucks!!!


Unfortunately for these filthy damnable rich, the earthquake might come sooner than expected because of global warming.


Is it logical that we will see secret lipat bahay operations and hush-hush real estate deals in the immediate future between and among the residents of Corinthian Gardens and their willing buyer-victims?


Unless some of our beloved fucking Corinthianers are really pragmatics or future Corinthian Gardener residents are fearless nincompoops who will say that if it is truly their time na, they’ll just roll with the tremors and dance with the liquefying hearth and raise their hands to welcome the onrush of the tsunami that might still, by the grace of god, reach up to their necks in their part of the land.  Yeheeey!!!


Cheap shits!


So if the humble Corinthian Gardens citizens can afford to live in shaky and turbulent environment, why can’t we poor ones accept the fate of riding chop-chop ships, airplanes and buses all through our lives!  Sila nga tanggap na nila na mamatay sila pag nilamon sila ng lupa (buti nga!) tayo pa kaya na walang kuwenta?


There goes my bereaved feelings for the dead, drowned, eaten up and buried victims of sulpicio and future epitaph for the Corinthian Gardens fucks.





At 6 pm on July 2, 2008, Vice President Tito Guingona, Sr. coinciding with the birthday of Madam Imelda  Marcos, launched his memoirs at Manila Hotel, entitled Fight for the Filipino.  It is only fitting that the former President of the strongest political party fete himself and his friends with so-called significant memoirs for all scholars and soon-to-be famous countrymen to  study  and  extol  to high heavens in the future.  Fitting also that our beloved (albeit, bone thin and severely,  acutely  canceric and tubercolic -looking) vice president is a former fighter for freedom, democracy, etcetera, etcetera.  Etcetera.  Or at least that is what he wants us all to believe.


So the vice presidency?  Well-deserved.  Accolades for his book?  Very, very well-deserved.  Tito served his country.  Well.  Very, very well. 




Some say that the most part of the book are not really about the life of one Tito Guingona but a quick gathering of highly selected anecdotes, claims, declarations, commentaries, ridicules, riddles, attempts at prose and poetry but all meant to spite Madam Gloria Arroyo.  All intended to denounce the regime under her and the boys and girls hiding under the Queen’s skirts and doing unmentionable damned things underneath.  Sneaky Devil that Tito!!!


There is nothing in the book of course that tells us about the great, wholly entertaining addiction of entertainer son cinema and stage Director Bart Guingona (isn’t he a closet or open gay?), the extreme addiction of G-Boy Guingona (isn’t he the congressman or some other politician following after the footsteps of daddy daddy?)  as well as the  wild ways of Marie Guingona, most possibly also as an addict and confirmedly a drunkard.  She totally loves booze and sex, all in one sentence or one word altogether.


When she gets drunk, she mouths expletives against Madam Gloria.


Tito of course, most certainly, would not reveal a cloak and dagger type secret:  he was a stool pigeon among the real fighters of democracy.  He was a quisling of the security apparatchiks.  He was not a real reformist, revolutionary, etc.


He was…


A fake.It’s  alright, his handlers would say,  He served the country well.  Indeed!  Hmmppph!!!


Look at his face, his bulging eyes, that seem to almost jump at you.  His body is so emaciated some people say, the only thing keeping his skin from falling off his bones are drugs.  When he was vice president and secretary of foreign affairs, he was reputed to be the drug addict Malacañang was touted for having  in  the  Cabinet.  Wow!!!


Dear  Tirititots KinKonga de Torotots  must be suffering from kArMa for having been the stool pigeon, gun runner, etc. that he is and for all the other bad things he has been doing to all his fellow creatures on earth.


You never really would have believed what he was doing and mouthing at Manila Peninsula Hotel during the siege.  As part cloak and dagger operator and overt political critic, former senator, executive secretary, foreign affairs department chief, ruling party president, etc. his role at Manila Pen could have all been a sham.  The man is really deep.  You can’t fathom his soul.  It is buried somewhere that you can’t see.  You have to go through a maze of layers and layers of hundreds of demons and their hives well-ensconced in his system before you reach that forsaken part called soul of Tirititot.


And up to now, he is still engaged in probably the same game.  His family is engaged in quick money and illegal schemes.  Outside of the drugs, his children and other family members were engaged in large scale gun running and alpine (I’ll Find You…) transactions and wheeling-dealings.


G-Boy and now a member of the congress, gleefully claim fucking Irene Marcos, another hopeless addict, when she was younger.  The respectable member of the congress even says, Irene, most definitely will never forget him and his deadly weapon (after marrying a faggot).


Tito today, even before the launching of his book, is a spent force.  Probably it has something to do with affiliating with the satanistas…  Of course, notwithstanding  the  very dark, secret and sinister  power of these cretins …





Homobono  ADAZA,  Sr., the arrested one, has no love lost with Tito Guingona.  Bono   was visited recently by Neneng Pimentel in his detention center.  Bono likewise does not have any goodwill with this old Neneng.


Pimentel and company ruined Bono and company with Tita Cory.  Pimentel and Guingona are two abominable terms, anathemas to Bono Adaza.


You cannot make Bono say the words “Pimentel” nor “Guingona” without making Bono puke to death!


Jesus!  Spare the old man!


But Pimentel made a show of good grace.  He went to Bono and commiserated with him.  The Great One.  Although Pimentel made bad jokes of who Bono is now.  That shit.


It is really not because Pimentel is running for president, because he will not even win in a fair fight in his own barangay, just like Guingona.  Both are demonyitos.


Possibly Pimentel is letting Bono know that whatever coup plans the other guy is entertaining, may Bono not forget Neneng, the wife (if she is still living), the children and OMG, susmaryosep!  the handsome and beautiful apos!  Dios Mio Bono, if anything happens will you promise not to take on them, vent your anger at me (and Tito Guingona) on them?  Please, please Bono!  Huhuhuhuhuhu!  Bonooooo!!!


Oh dear GOD!!!  Please please Bono!!!!


Is it true you’re heading the coup?  (doubtful)


If it is not, forget I visited you and forget you ever knew me and heard of my name.  (As if…)


On the other hand, if Bono will be the next president, I will be happy.  I might become the next Presidential Spokesman, Speech Writer, Press Secretary and Rasputin, all at the same time if he has not become demented enough and is pronounced only to be partially insane.


I too have my own redeeming values, by the way…  huuummmmpphhh!




Fortun is a lawyer of erap.


But sometimes  I do really think Bono was sincerely arrested by the government.  Or if Bono just sincerely was arrested without any agenda lurking behind the scenario?


Do you?




Bono is a lawyer of and bosom friend of Gen. Abenina, Gen. Comendador and the military rebels including Ariel Querubin et al.  Gen. Abenina’s boy is Raffy Cardeño. 


Fortun  is  not  known  as  Bono’s enemy.  Bono is supposedly bilking Fortun’s client, a despicable japon, with 4 million dollars.  (Does the japon really have that papel de cuarta?)


Mapalo  is  a legend.  In  the military he is a bold, bastos, extremist.  In the underworld, he is a veritable godfather.  Ask the spirits of the victims of the RCBC massacre who can now see in the spirit world practically everything,   and there will be a commotion when you mention the name of Mapalo.


On second thought, if you’re apoplectic, don’t ask the victims’ spirits.




finance, politics, economics of the absurd…

some people sing lullabyes for babies.  some give gifts on christmas and during chinese new year. 

someone wants to say err..aahmm…birthday… !!!  man, that’s deep!

it’s also mightily absurd!  and it’s damn scary!!!

it’s got not to be a gentle way.  it’s got not to be a peaceful way.  it’s in bad taste.  someone’s gonna bertdey somebody in a very awful way.  a protest during a bertdey?  possibly  even going into rowdy, violent, really bad boy behavior?  true, they lost quoreeek in the silly war.  a frustrating battle.  so what?  they lost joooana loooseada.  so… so…  they lost joe and joey perez (masquerading as devilenicians).  what !!!   they lost so many other things and people and a lot of moolah.  they even cursed eleven thousand devils and nearly, at that, their master.  for what?  32 billion bequeathed by chine?  out of three, four, five trillions or more from the parent loot?  and a little heaping here and there of about a third of that amount in swiss, caymans and other banking states?

who the fucking cares about a million less sacks of rise?  that’s chicken putty.  who cares about the shit loozeada and quoreek are ranting and raving about?  it’s pure ugly shit that has no meaning at all.  you’ve all heard about mud slinging, this is manure throwing and they think they’re having a ball!  they’ll hit whomever they want to hit to smell obnoxious.  that is all it is.  what’s a few dollars more on top of a barrel of oil?  and the coming strike to celebrate that in a negative way?  it’s totally insignificant bull  dirt  and  bird dung.

that they feverishly want to lay their filthy hands on the loot without working hard for it? come on man!  shit! for the love of jesus, mary and joseph.  these evil inspired, lucifer loving and satan worshipping demons in human garb can’t ever want something good for the country they don’t care about. all they want after all is to be fully enriched, energized and envigorated by these trillions worth of depositos los muchos dineros now languoring in total peace in chine and elsewhere.  and they have no shame.  utterly no shame at all.

imagine how quoreek had badmouthed the erstwhile patriarch-dictator, now deposed and dead, and cursed him to high heavens.  hired international p.r. experts to put up the 3,000 pairs of shoes and the thieving and high stakes robbing in the world market of ideas.  the marcosified and imeldific into the Guinness and Webster’s or something like that and then in her reign in the realm, she wanted a special baul (read: bank account) to be the sieve (read: conduit) of these troves of treasures.  what for?  she did not like the man anyway?  shame, shame, shame on her that quorreeek.  she smells fishy even from behind, Lord God!  who’s the betterer and the masterer of the thieves then?  God bless all their souls!

and iko chavez, the sol gen, he did a masterful mastermind alliance with the swiss minister peter muller.  and nauto that mule, he signed the pact between states that would be nullified when the supreme court of switzerland cried (read: ruled) foul!!!

so let’s see, why is the widow of the man deposed and dead, getting special treatment in the courts?  and why is iko chavez griping?  read between the lines.  dear watson, it’s all elementary!

but, truly, how utterly selfish and low mien for some of our fellow men.  if they are really human, after all.

i’ve been in the finance world for long.  i’ve never seen anything like the lopezes, so greedy that bunch.  their past and futures interconnected with those of the quorreeeking household.  i’ve never seen such immortalized katangahan in the person of jaime zobel.  i’ve never seen a mongrel with billions behind him and millions of square meters or hectares in real estate in makati like joushjow binay.  as if he was in business too!  but he is a mere public servant who would not grant a building permit without asking for at least a floor of a building.  and these he converts into little wads of money to fill up instead an entire building.  however he keeps his dogs hungree, thus these are always on the prowl in makati streets and avenues looking for morning, noon and nighttime meal fare… or milk money for their children.  or date funds for their beaus.  and look at that idiot emilio of bulletin, as if he truly owned that diyaryo or manila hotel, ne?  its quorreeek!  that’s why her son (quorreek’s) is so fond of guns, he can’t sleep without the untroubling thoughts that there is a black kommando and yellow armee to protect him.  and his own friends of short surnames, they smuggle the most number of deadly weapons just to play endlessly with them on the firing range of an ogre from chine dabbling in gun running all his life, and always waiting to take a living thing to feed his pet sharks displayed in his own apartment. guess who’s been a regular guest at nong nong’s gun runner fiend er… friend in the old days?  the baron guinggonggong who’s also into gun running since deposed and dead boss’ time, and who knows what else.  They say, the baron’s bones and tendons are merely held together by drugs.  her daughter of course, all fucked up and badmouthing future bertdey gurl since the beginning of kingdom come who really knows how to and could get truly drunk and het drugged up at the same time.  and nong nong has all those mah jong comadres (read: bootlickers) and lesbian friends (read: assslurpers) of her mom who’d make him suckle up to them up to now?

it’s a crazy world out here.  and there’s this old, dying would be president (for a midterm), who was given a full tenure only of three years but wanted more and landed in jail.  now free, that idiot.  and he only wants a small election once more.  just a teeny weeny bit of an election, and if only a coup could arrange that!  wow!!!

his suborned diabolic, moronic army of has beens have been causing great earthquakes on the realm, but never so much as making a dent on the tightly sewn up ozone layers immediately above them.  so it’s crazy, ye can all tell me.  because a lot of the anti-heroes out there are in deep despair.  not only about the 32 billions of green bucks that won’t go to them.  they’re desperate because they want to suckle the baby bottle while the lady presidenta is still at it  yet.  they can’t clearly wait because the lot of them are dying, not literally mostly, but figuratively to chance a grab (puga) at the loot and run away with it.  really dying to do the classic ocean’s 14.

shit!!! fuck!!!

you would like to hope that they die instead.  without accommodating the thought that demons can only die by the sword of God’s begotten one.  these maniacs causing Troubles in the realm have even gotten into demonizing the higher echelons of the vaticanesque clique in the country.  and they got their holy reprieve but they’re mighty still at it in spite of.

but since the people are collectively God’s offspring, if one, then the demonyos in our midsts will not ever reign supreme.  will never.  they will be forever afraid.  but if the demonyos instead succeed in division, splitting all of us into hostile gangs against one another, that is an entirely different story.

no matter what the drama of the script of loozeada, that episode about a primeval creature criminally creeping into our conscious minds is over.  at least God let that stupid s.o.b. know how well in hell he had been buttered.  and he better beware.  or he’ll either be washed with real holy water, or stuck by the ecclessiastical pin.

let’s mourn for their dying early than their deaths.  and work against the un-ballerina splitting moves.  it’s really high time.  a lot of hands and heads are needed to stop the demonyo from succeeding in its lowly and lonely trade:  war, conflict, hostility, division, strife, rifts and all that jazz.

that, i believe will put some sense into the brains of the insane marauders.  if they ever have brains at all.  you wonder if they ever had hearts and souls.  but spirits, they have a lot of that.  bad spirits.  just.  if not applicable, they should be shot in public view soon.  that will be the only and the best form of riddance of cockroaches, snakes and man-eating wild creatures in our midsts.  that’s finance, politics, and economics of the absurd for ye, and specially, only in the philippines!  grrrrr!  and double grrrrrrr!!!