Portent of W A R in Mindanao


The inevitable comes. MILF has no control over the situation. Breakaway groups that will not recognize the leadership of the grand old man, Salamat Hashim and his successors, will take the law into their hands. Many issues, many forces, are at play. But the delay in the peace talks is extremely dubious. Why strike after the peace process was minutely distracted by low-level politicians in Mindanao, Senators and Puno and company in Manila? Why? It appears to be a coordinated, well planned torpedo operation. It all began with the shooting down of the postponement of the Elections in ARMM. Then the questioning of the supposed secrecy in the peace process. Then the TRO by the Supreme Court. Then the elections that are at their best will result in nothing good for Muslim Mindanao. Then the attack with force supposedly at North Cotabato and the saber rattling by a local government group that does not recognize the MILF, the GRP and the committee for cessation of hostilities, much more a Muslim or any other tribe in Mindanao. Soon it might lead to war. And all the nation will be the losers, just for the folly, unforgiveable greed and sheer callousness of some fellowmen…  Read more about the post here…