War against InJustices

The Starved, Malnourished Endangered Species of Rogues in Robes

There is no consolation from allevii’s post for Justices Vicente Roxas and Jose Sabio, Jr. that Justices of the Court of Appeals-Supreme Court of the Philippines are really involved in big time highway robbery. Thirty Eight Millions. Then, One Hundred Millions or more. Just for eight defendants. My, my! Meralco, step aside. GSIS, start panicking.

They look decent. You see them since the 1980s, wheeling and dealing with low voices in hotels, five-star restaurants, posh offices, inside their cars, inside ballet performances, in museums and galleries, but they also even have the temerity to talk in street sidewalks, in front of dirty burger stands, in many sleazy places just to be able to run away with a major amount of loot in the end. As far back as it goes, hundreds of millions for instance, was paid just for a steel blooming mills company to be acquired and taken over by a Chinese conglomerate. Nothing is really new today.

And specially now, absolutely no one is exempt from paying tribute. The little shred of etiquette flew out of the windows. Everyone, however clean, or extremely filthy and foul-smelling, however notorious and criminal, is very very much welcome!

Only the lawyers of defendants appear to know this. Supreme Court should investigate this long ongoing trend of acquitting drug lords, operators of big time drug trafficking syndicates.

Are they really that hungry always? Are they really that impoverished? Are they actually malnourished? Suffering from kwashiorkor, marasmus and other manifestations of starvation? Tsk, tsk! The poor, poor Justices.

Nevertheless, the authentic poor will always revolt at the kind of imaginarily starved justices and the decisions they dispense with in this country, particularly after their recent act of screwing the Muslims, the foreign back up mechanism for the peace process and after causing the artificial war in Mindanao to officially start. In the bitter end, the very kind of unclean people that pay them to be fixers, atsoys and atsays, chimoys and chimays, might just want to stick them up in classic sting deals and kill them in the process. That is not uncommon.

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