War against InJustices

The Starved, Malnourished Endangered Species of Rogues in Robes

There is no consolation from allevii’s post for Justices Vicente Roxas and Jose Sabio, Jr. that Justices of the Court of Appeals-Supreme Court of the Philippines are really involved in big time highway robbery. Thirty Eight Millions. Then, One Hundred Millions or more. Just for eight defendants. My, my! Meralco, step aside. GSIS, start panicking.

They look decent. You see them since the 1980s, wheeling and dealing with low voices in hotels, five-star restaurants, posh offices, inside their cars, inside ballet performances, in museums and galleries, but they also even have the temerity to talk in street sidewalks, in front of dirty burger stands, in many sleazy places just to be able to run away with a major amount of loot in the end. As far back as it goes, hundreds of millions for instance, was paid just for a steel blooming mills company to be acquired and taken over by a Chinese conglomerate. Nothing is really new today.

And specially now, absolutely no one is exempt from paying tribute. The little shred of etiquette flew out of the windows. Everyone, however clean, or extremely filthy and foul-smelling, however notorious and criminal, is very very much welcome!

Only the lawyers of defendants appear to know this. Supreme Court should investigate this long ongoing trend of acquitting drug lords, operators of big time drug trafficking syndicates.

Are they really that hungry always? Are they really that impoverished? Are they actually malnourished? Suffering from kwashiorkor, marasmus and other manifestations of starvation? Tsk, tsk! The poor, poor Justices.

Nevertheless, the authentic poor will always revolt at the kind of imaginarily starved justices and the decisions they dispense with in this country, particularly after their recent act of screwing the Muslims, the foreign back up mechanism for the peace process and after causing the artificial war in Mindanao to officially start. In the bitter end, the very kind of unclean people that pay them to be fixers, atsoys and atsays, chimoys and chimays, might just want to stick them up in classic sting deals and kill them in the process. That is not uncommon.

Kudos, Sec. Mendoza; the poor Coast Guard

The DOTC ordered the grounding of Sulpicio Lines floating marine assets.

Congratulations for that.  Wow!  As we were saying about two days ago, the seaworthiness of the assets of shipping companies need to be thoroughly checked.  But the best manner to handle this is to form a safety agency as they are doing in the rest of the world.

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) is being blamed  as the ultimate perpetrator of the killing of the victims of the tragedy.  Perchance, so too is Sulpicio Lines.

Why the PCG?  Because, well, not because the huge and supposedly luxurious MV Princess of the  Stars is a quarter of a century old since many ships can still sail long after they have lived for fifty years or half a century.

Not because the MV Princess of the Stars had gone from one owner to another, then another, then another and so on then  Sulpicio Lines grabbed it.  And it was probably deemed junk by then.  And they had a mighty bargain that they possibly held a five-week-long party to celebrate their tremendous steal!!!

Not because the managers of Sulpicio are terrible idiots at running their shipping company that they allowed the MV Doña Paz to sail into a disaster that ate up the lives of thousands of passengers.

Not because the metallic underside of MV Princess of the Stars was so  weak that it had to give during the storm when the ship allegedly sumadsad sa bato (for goodness sake, why does Sulpicio send out low quality amphibian boats that can’t withstand rocks?) and the makina ay tumigil.  Wow!

That’s both unforeseen, fortuitous event and mechanical error.  Just the type for insurance companies to pay for when the source of the accident is not human error — as in that of Sulpicio’s.

So now it’s accident (nabutas ang bakal) +  fortuitous event — typhoon Frank, pumasok ang tubig + mechanical accident (namatay ang makina).

Equals = insurance claims of nearly a hundred million dollars from insurers and underwriters.

And add to the equation, the poverty of PCG for which reason, Sulpicio sonofabitches fucking shits gave alms to their weary palms.

Someone said, the PCG is so poor that even their diesel is always up for sale.  When the President and the higher ups say:  “Hoy, habulin ninyo ang Abo Suyya!”  “Mga totoy, hulihin ang mga pirata!” “Oy, ano, intersepin niyo ang mga illegal fishing boats!” “Daliiii!”  “Ano ba!?!&%$#”  “Kilos na!!!”

The PCG will allegedly only very demurely quip:

“Ay Maaam, Siiir, ay surreee po, wala tayo krudu!!!)

So, Sulpicio knowing, and feeling compassion, gave alms to the Coast Guard.  And Coast Guard supposedly feeling the crunch, accepted the beggar’s relief cash.  Possibly some relief goods too.

Sulpicio probably knew there was a disaster-in-waiting.  They gave out relief cash and goods in advance.

So now, Sulpicio Lines, cannot and can never be blamed.  They have to be the final heroes here, when they open their eyes after taking the insurance and  see that they have bodies to bury and money to pay to the surviving kin of all the (fucking, why did they have to be) dead.

Only in the Philippines.  Only in the Philippines.

The poor are always at the receiving end of bad Justice systems.  So the poor Coast Guard has to pay for the crime.

The PCG Commander, Adm. Tamayo has to go, just because he is penniless and powerless.  And his people are so dirt  poor and hungry that they’re crawling on their belies just to move.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the country, the weather is now improving with a little touch of dark clouds and a teeny weeny stormy condition approaching.  The poor Philippine Coast Guard will no longer have to take the alms of shipping company Sulpicio.  Their boss, Sec. Mendoza grounded the alms givers.

Tsk!  Tsk!  Kawawa naman!

May mga pamilya pa naman ang mga kosgard!  Kawawa talaga sila!

Kawawa din ang mga nalunod at namatay at mga pamilya!

Dahil sa kanila, may mga yayaman sa lagay at insurance!!! At dahil nagpakamatay sila, aba’y ala silang suwerti. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!